Parisar Foundation

Parisar Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in 2018, has been diligently serving the communities of Maharashtra through its multifaceted initiatives. With a primary focus on environmental sustainability, the Parisar Foundation implements various projects aimed at preserving and protecting the region’s natural resources. Through tree plantation drives, waste management programs, and awareness campaigns, the organization strives to foster a culture of environmental consciousness and responsible stewardship among the populace. In addition to its environmental endeavors, Parisar Foundation is committed to addressing the region’s healthcare challenges. By organizing medical camps, providing healthcare access to underserved communities, and advocating for preventive healthcare measures, the NGO endeavors to improve the local population’s overall well-being and quality of life.

Moreover, the Parisar Foundation recognizes the pivotal role of education in empowering individuals and driving societal progress. To this end, the organization invests in educational initiatives tailored to the needs of Maharashtra. From supporting schools in rural areas to offering scholarships to deserving students, the Parisar Foundation endeavors to enhance educational opportunities and foster a culture of learning and knowledge dissemination. By actively engaging with stakeholders and leveraging partnerships, the NGO aspires to create a sustainable impact in the environmental, healthcare, and educational sectors, contributing to the holistic development of Central Maharashtra and beyond.

In its pursuit of holistic community development, the Parisar Foundation employs a comprehensive approach that encompasses not only direct intervention but also capacity building and advocacy efforts. Recognizing the interconnectedness of environmental, healthcare, and educational issues, the organization implements integrated programs that address the root causes of societal challenges. Through community workshops, skill-building initiatives, and empowerment programs, the Parisar Foundation equips individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to become agents of change in their communities. By fostering a sense of ownership and participation, the NGO cultivates sustainable solutions that resonate with local needs and aspirations.

Furthermore, the Parisar Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to innovation and collaboration, continually seeking out novel approaches and partnerships to maximize its impact. Whether through forging alliances with governmental agencies, collaborating with other NGOs, or harnessing the potential of technology for social good, the organization remains agile and adaptive in its quest for positive change. By leveraging the collective expertise and resources of diverse stakeholders, the Parisar Foundation endeavors to create a synergistic ecosystem wherein each contribution, no matter how small, contributes to the greater cause of sustainable development in Dharashiv, Central Maharashtra.

Parisar Foundation, dedicated to education for underprivileged children, improving healthcare, and environmental sustainability in Maharashtra, welcomes your generous support. Your donation will directly contribute to our impactful projects, including educational initiatives, medical camps, and tree plantation drives. By partnering with us, you play a crucial role in enhancing the well-being and future of our communities. To donate and support our mission, please get in touch with us at 9405048595. Together, we can create lasting positive change.



Parisar Foundation



Parisar Foundation is NGO that works in the field of education, health and enviroment.
Parisar Foundation is located in Dharashiv.
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